We are all presented with a ‘meaningless’ blank canvas at birth. The marks we gather over time on the canvas are there to complete a picture – your picture.
None of these marks are so permanent that you cannot erase them or paint over them. All of them in some way give meaning and significance to life.
Some marks feel as if they are ruining the picture, some are so precious we think they are the picture. But in the final analysis any masterpiece consists of both light and shade, the one is not more important than the other.
The story of YOUR life is captured in YOUR picture. Take responsibility for your canvas and seek ways to paint a picture to serve yourself and those around you.
If it is a meaningful life you want, this is the book that will grow your understanding of meaning, deepen your relationship with yourself and others and inspire you to create a life worth living.
“The more we can free ourselves from prejudice and ignorance, the more authentic and meaningful we will become.”
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